Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wagon Wheel Preschool

So, 2 of my friends and I have started our own preschool just for our own kids.  We were all 3 elementary school teachers, so we have gone big with the whole thing.  We got the name from the name of the preschool Lily on the show "Modern Family" attends.  (It was a funny episode) I have had my rotation the past 2 weeks.  It is on T/Th and we go from 9-12.  It's free and I am much happier with the education Molly is getting now then when she was in the community's preschool.  Here is bits and pieces of what the kids and I have done these past 2 weeks.

the kids start by coming in, sitting on their matt, and reading books quietly.  We then do a question of the day, then calendar time, and we start centers.  We have 4 centers ( dramatic play, ABC, writing, and math).  the kids love it.  we then have snack, music time, story time, a learning activity that goes along with the book we read/theme and letter of the week.  we then do art time, and then about 20 mins of play time until they get picked up.  It requires LOTS of planning, but worth every minute.  Molly  now writes her name everywhere, as well as the letters B, T, F, O.  She is counting a lot better, and well, she loves being with her friends!


  1. How cute and creative. I'm not cut out to do that sort of thing. I don't have the artistic talent. Good on ya, Ginger!

  2. Ging, I'm so proud of you! What a wonderful idea for you, your children, and their friends. See, all of that wonderful education you had at BYU is helping in a big way! The Kids look happy and wonderful. MOM

  3. How do you have the freakin' time to do everything you do! To you and all the other "Super Moms" out there--you're my hero.

  4. Kim.... you are Larson's mommy. You automatically are a "Super Mom".

  5. I'm so stinkin excited for Xmas!
