Monday, December 6, 2010

Trains Trains Trains- I like trains!

We all now know of Larson's facination with trains (and anything with an engine).  Mia also loves to watch Thomas the Train movies.  So off we went to the Train and Transportation Museum in Spencer (about 20 minutes north).  We took a train ride with a very special guest (pictures will show you who), walked through several restored trains, luxury cars, old US Postal cars, Red Cross medical treatment cars, and the coolest working steam locomotive.  To top it off, it snowed--giant soft flakes that covered the us and the ground quickly on our way out.  Yipee!


  1. They are getting so big and I can't believe that Fordy is crawling! When I see the Ashbaugh clan all I can think of is how busy I will be with baby #3 in April. OH goodness!!!

  2. Nothing like taking time out and just being family. We loved seeing the children enjoying themself and to top it off to have large flakes of snow falling down. The best thoughts we have of years gone by are shaving cream fights, paper airplanes, ice cream, boogie man, and Kim making sure that all of her siblings were in front going down the dark hall! LOVE MOM/DAD

  3. I just read mom and dad's comment. Amen to all of it!
