Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ahhh, the Beach. We love it!

By far, our favorite spot for the summer is the beach. We have been to many different beaches this summer. Some in Laguna, some in Newport, and of course our lovely beach here in HB. We love them wherever we go. It has been June Gloom all summer, meaning the sun doesn't burn off the cloud cover until about noon. So our beach days usually last from 12-4:30/5pm. I love them b/c they are so worn out that we get home, they bathe while I cook dinner, then they eat and are in bed by 6-6:30pm. We love meeting our friends down there. So, everyone come out here and visit us. We'll take you to these fun beaches. The picture of Jaxon and the little girl at the beach, that's his best buddy, Ivy. He loves her. I think she is so cute. She is just as rough as he is. That's why they play so great together.

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