Monday, January 24, 2011

Kellie's Belated Christmas Update

Yes, hell just froze over.  I am finally teaching myself how to blog.  You all know that I spent my Christmas holiday with the Olmsteads in Huntington Beach.  I had an extremely lovely time.  Molly and Jaxon are too dang cute and funny! 

I've never done the Disneyland or Disneyworld thing.  Ginger so kindly drove us to Disneyland the day after Christmas to I could partake of that experience.  Holy poop.  I have never seen so many people wanting to do the same thing.  When we finally got to the gate to buy our passes, they told us that Disneyland was at capacity.  Ging and I looked at each other and turned around to leave.  I did get one picture at the Disneyland sign by the parking garage.  Better luck next time.  Enjoy the pictures!


  1. Sorry I thought I had figured out the pictures. I will try to post those later.

  2. Yep, I want to see the pictures! We loved having you too, Kell! Come anytime.

  3. I want to take our kids to Disneyland sometime. I told Colby that the next time we make it near socal that we are going not matter what.
