Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Winter Wonderland

The Asays have been enjoying this magical and special season. The boys have been ultra excited to write letters to Santa, proving that they have been good. Little do they know that mommy and daddy have to corroborate their letters of innocence!  We took them to Macy's to mail their "pleas" to the jolly old man himself, Santa.

 We also took the rag-a-muffins to see the Ogden City Christmas Village. The boys had fun running wild through the snow drifts, running into people, and ignoring the pleas from their patient parents to please listen and obey their parents. 

I do love my boys, and I so enjoy seeing them just be kids. There is nothing more pleasing to my heart than to hear the giggles of sheer delight kids have when just being kids. I love it!

Marty and I recently celebrated 10 years of marital bliss. He is my best friend. I love him to pieces. I am thankful that he is my husband and Jake and Ben's father. We are so lucky to have Marty and keep us laughing!


  1. We love seeing ya'll. What a great Christmas gift just seeing ya'll so happy. We love looking at the snow, when it's close to 90 every day. As Dad says, "What we would give to have a wiff of good cold air--guess we could, if we just opened up the refrigerator." The boys look wonderful! we had dinner at Burger King on Monday, but it's not the same! Keep sending pics, it makes our day.

  2. Merry Christmas! How fun Jenny!

  3. It is freezing cold here (not out of the low 40's as a high)! Lately, it seems that time is passing way too fast for me and I am trying to not let the holidays and their spirit pass us by. Looks like you're doing a good job of that.

  4. I wish for the change in seasons as well. We do get a bit of a chill during the night (we have to close the windows) and I put on pants and a jacket in the morning..... but by 9 am it is 75 degrees on its way to a constant 82. I do love seeing our little Christmas tree and stocking though. It makes me so excited to see the kids come Christmas morning.
