Monday, November 22, 2010

Weeks of the Weeks Being SIck

About 3 weeks ago, on Saturday, we were headed to Honolulu to shop and get out of the house. On the way there I got what I thought was pregnancy or car sick and puked up on the side of the road. We make it to the mall and I was in no mood to shop or do anything so back to the car we went.  I think that I threw up about 7 times before we got home.  I knew I was in for it and I was so glad that it was the weekend and that Colby could take care of the kids.  I was hoping that no on else would get sick but Cole ended up puking several times that night.  Colby won father and husband of the year for taking care of puke in sheets, pillow, on hair, everywhere.  Just a 24 hours stomach bug.... everyone ok.

Fast forward to the next weekend...... Cole had a fever on Thursday night waking up several times. I kept him pumped full of ibuprofen but by the next day his fever had climbed to 102 and was not coming down.  He had not gone to the bathroom in over 24 hours and I tried to get him to drink anything, even giving him yummy shaved ice if he would eat it.  Least to say he ate 3 bites and then Izzy ate the rest.  The dr office is about 1 hour away so I called and the nurse told me to give him acetameniphine (?) and that she would call back in an hour and if his fever had not gone down I would need to take him in.  The only problem with that is that if I waited for her to call me back until I got in the car to come, the dr office would be closed. Colby came home and I put Cole in the car to go. Either his fever would have broken or I would be that much closer to the dr office when the nurse called.  Good news, his fever broke on the way there and he woke up after hours of sleeping to have pee-peed all over his car seat and himself. I had no extra clothes so I had to go to the store and buy new clothes. We went to Ross which is the only store that is close to the dr office that sells clothes. However, they do not sell little boy underware!! I had to buy Cole the smallest girl panties I could find!! Poor kid he was crying and did not want to wear girl underware but that was the only option since he he refused to go commando, sans underware!

Dr said he would probably get fevered again but to continue to give him medicine.

Fast forward to this past weekend. Cole still had a runny nose, cough, etc... and I knew that he had not totally recovered from the previous week.  He went to bed fine but woke up and was kind of screaming and in pain and I thought he was just kind of dreaming but he was like that for several hours.  I gave him medicine, drinks, etc... and even told him to dream of candy and shaved ice but he very fretfully that, " I think that is what made me sick!!"  He was crying about his ears and I knew he had an infection. The only thing that would finally calm him down is if we put band aids on his ears. Least to say he woke up the next morning with 5 bandaids strategically placed all over his ears!!

I wish I had taken pictures to accompany all of these tragedies, but I suck at taking pictures.

We are looking forward to a nice Thanksgiving without puke or pee!!!

We find out tomorrow what baby #3 will be. I will post the good news tomorrow!!

Love to all- Kathie


  1. Laughing out loud so hard! I have done the puke laundry so many times, but never band aids on ears. I love Cole so much.

  2. Kath, keep your camera in your kitchen by your computer so you can just grab it and take pictures! Cole is too funny!
