Sunday, November 28, 2010

Messed up again

I forgot to add the pics after I uploaded them--so her goes again!


A different kind of week for us here.  We had FHE with our YSA on Monday and had lots of fun as usual.  Our little group looks even smaller at church.  I think that it loses some of it home appeal when we have it at church.  Oh well, we adapt.  We had a good lesson by Elder Larson and had refreshments by me.  I baked tons of biscuits and put KFC chicken nuggets in them.  Yum except I forgot the salt.  I miss my self-rising flour.  I took a watermelon and a peach cobbler.  The sister missionaries brought homemade brownies.  Afterwards we played church pictionary.  A fun evening for all. 
On Monday we had an early flight to Tawau.  It's about a 45 minute flight from here.  The airport there is about 40 minutes from the town.  A beautiful drive.  There are literally hundreds of thousands of acres of palm oil trees.  It's their main cash crop.  They use to be the world's leading producer of cocoa.  But this is a better cash crop, so they took up all of the cocoa trees and planted oil palms.  We were able to see a few cocoa trees. 
Tawau is only 20 miles from Indonesia.  They get lots of illegal immigrants from there because they can make more money in Malaysia and they have more freedoms here.  We were taken to a water village of over 10,000 people--mostly immigrants!  Such poverty and filth!  Our driver said that he could go thru there without any problems because he drives a government vehicle, but would not recommend anyone else doing the same.  It's not safe.
Our driver's name is William Leung, he is a Rotarian.  Soooo nice.  He has 2 daughters in school in San Jose, California.  He's never been there and really wants to go one day.  I really liked him.  He has been to the states one time.   He went to New York and Tennessee because he has a friend rthere.  His wife is from Singapore and they have a home there where his family lives and he lives and works in Tawau.  He travels to Singapore every 3 months for visits!  As I said William is a gov't official. 
Tawau is a quaint town, small but nice.  We stayed at a lovely hotel called the Promenade.  Such a nice room.  we watched tv for the first time since leaving Jenny's!  We really haven't missed it,but we watched 4 movies while we were there.  We saw Con Air and Taken and 2 others.
After we checked into our room, the Rotary President, Matthias Chin came to pick us up and take us to the hospital to visit Dr. Adjit, an opthamologist, at the hospital.  They are going to administer a vision project for us there.  Dr Adjit is a busy man since he is the only opthalmologist in all of the town and area.  He gave us a tour of his area of the hospital and told us of their needs as far as equipment.  Their needs are many!
We went back to the hotel, called the missionaries in town and arranged to meet them for dinner and dessert.  They were appreciative.
On Wednesday, William, Matthias, and another local man took us to a proposed site for a large water project.  It was several miles out of town in a village.  I was expecting a kampung like in KK, but was surprised to see much better homes with paved roads and electricity--just do not have any water to their homes.  They have a great natural spring but that's it.  we're going to build a dam for them and gravity feed water to their homes.  This one project is going to be for 4 villages and helps several thousands of people!  After our visit there, William gave us the tour that I already talked about.  He took us back to the hotel, and Matthias took us to another hotel for a Rotary lunch.  This hotel was beautiful.  It was an older colonial hotel with beautiful dark woods and carvings, marble, and lovely setting.  Lunch was great and everybody was late as usual in Malaysia!  All men, all Chinese except for Dr Adjit and another man who is a wealthy Indian plantation owner.  Dr Adjit is also Indian.  William told me all about who was who.  They asked your Dad to speak and he did well.  They clapped for him.  Dr. Adjit sat beside me at lunch and kept calling me Larson, because of my name tag.  It doesn't have Gloria on it.  They use first names here except at church.
We got back here on Thursday morning and said how great it was to get back "home".  ElderL. had a baptismal interview at church nite.  We forgot all about it being Thanksgiving.  E/L had leftover fried rice and I had a peanut butter sandwich.  We'll do better with Christmas.  On Friday we skyped with Ginger and Matt and kids.  You guys look wonderful and I love you.  Kiddies are growing up fast.  We had dinner with Kate on Friday night and ran errands with her.  She took us to a wonderful grocery store--Merdeka.  It's my new favorite.  I bought BEEF for the first time.  I'm going to make spaghetti with it.  YEA!
On Saturday we had homemaking where we had cooking demonstrations.  I made a peach cobbler--it's easy and doesn't have eggs, which Sis. Zafar is allergic to.  After R.Soc. we had a baptixm--7 people!  They were all confirmed in sacrament today.  Sacrament was 2 hours long today, because all of our people who went on the temple trip bore their testimony.  It was very special.
It's 10 o'clock and I need togo to bed,  so I sign off and wait anxiously for comments.  I LOVE YOU,MOM
the pics are 2 of FHE and 2 frome Tawau--site for water project in the local village, view of waterfront--and homemaking.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

IT'S A BOY!!!!

We had quite the adventure yesterday on the way to the dr's office. We were all going (me, Colby, and kids) to find out what  we were having and Cole got car sick.  He puked up all over the car and himself right as we pulled into the hospital.  I took Izzy out of the car and we went to my appointment while Colby cleaned up Cole and went to buy him some new clothes. I think Cole's plan is to receive a new wardrobe simply by puking or peeing whenever we are in the car.

Colby and Cole arrived just in time for me to be finished.  The cool part was that the hospital just received new ultrasound machines that included 3D picture capability.  The technician that did mine was excited to try out the new machine and I ended up with 20 pictures to take home, including a 3D picture of the baby's boy parts.  What a difference 3D makes.  You can already tell he has a Larson chin and what he will look like minus all the fluid.  Colby is scanning the pictures and work and then emailing them to me. I will post some as soon as I get them .

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Weeks of the Weeks Being SIck

About 3 weeks ago, on Saturday, we were headed to Honolulu to shop and get out of the house. On the way there I got what I thought was pregnancy or car sick and puked up on the side of the road. We make it to the mall and I was in no mood to shop or do anything so back to the car we went.  I think that I threw up about 7 times before we got home.  I knew I was in for it and I was so glad that it was the weekend and that Colby could take care of the kids.  I was hoping that no on else would get sick but Cole ended up puking several times that night.  Colby won father and husband of the year for taking care of puke in sheets, pillow, on hair, everywhere.  Just a 24 hours stomach bug.... everyone ok.

Fast forward to the next weekend...... Cole had a fever on Thursday night waking up several times. I kept him pumped full of ibuprofen but by the next day his fever had climbed to 102 and was not coming down.  He had not gone to the bathroom in over 24 hours and I tried to get him to drink anything, even giving him yummy shaved ice if he would eat it.  Least to say he ate 3 bites and then Izzy ate the rest.  The dr office is about 1 hour away so I called and the nurse told me to give him acetameniphine (?) and that she would call back in an hour and if his fever had not gone down I would need to take him in.  The only problem with that is that if I waited for her to call me back until I got in the car to come, the dr office would be closed. Colby came home and I put Cole in the car to go. Either his fever would have broken or I would be that much closer to the dr office when the nurse called.  Good news, his fever broke on the way there and he woke up after hours of sleeping to have pee-peed all over his car seat and himself. I had no extra clothes so I had to go to the store and buy new clothes. We went to Ross which is the only store that is close to the dr office that sells clothes. However, they do not sell little boy underware!! I had to buy Cole the smallest girl panties I could find!! Poor kid he was crying and did not want to wear girl underware but that was the only option since he he refused to go commando, sans underware!

Dr said he would probably get fevered again but to continue to give him medicine.

Fast forward to this past weekend. Cole still had a runny nose, cough, etc... and I knew that he had not totally recovered from the previous week.  He went to bed fine but woke up and was kind of screaming and in pain and I thought he was just kind of dreaming but he was like that for several hours.  I gave him medicine, drinks, etc... and even told him to dream of candy and shaved ice but he very fretfully that, " I think that is what made me sick!!"  He was crying about his ears and I knew he had an infection. The only thing that would finally calm him down is if we put band aids on his ears. Least to say he woke up the next morning with 5 bandaids strategically placed all over his ears!!

I wish I had taken pictures to accompany all of these tragedies, but I suck at taking pictures.

We are looking forward to a nice Thanksgiving without puke or pee!!!

We find out tomorrow what baby #3 will be. I will post the good news tomorrow!!

Love to all- Kathie

Sunday, November 21, 2010


A fun and frustrating week all at the same time for us!  Monday was so fun.  We had our 1st FHE for the young single adults here.  It was at our apartment, but we're going to have the next ones at church because no one has a vehicle and the walk up the mountain to our apartment from the bus stop is a killer.  Dad and I did it once @ 2 weeks ago and said "never again".  They were so hot and and exhausted when they got here.  Our sweet David Chong came last by himself and had to get by the monkeys at the trash dumpsters.  I think that he is a little afraid of them.  We understand that they can be aggressive at times (if you have food).  Dad and I ordered pizza from Pizza Hut for them and had it delivered.  It took me 2 days to order on line because our phones and address are the same as the Davises whom we replaced.  It took an act of congress to get it registered in my name.  It's now registered in Miss Gloria!  They do not care about last names here. 
We went shopping and bought fresh pineapple and watermelon, I had made a jello cake(miss, miss U.S. jello) and baked oatmeal cookies, which they call biscuits!  All cookies are biscuits.  They loved the pizza and cookies.  We played some of the minute- to- win- it games after our lesson.  They loved that also.  We had one young man who is investigating to come.  President Curdy was able to take many of them home afterwards.  Also Sebastian(taxi) came and took the rest home.  His little brother and sister, Adrian and Laura were part of our group.  Laura is an identical twin.  Her sister Elsie works at KFC and can't come to church very much.  When you work for KFC here you must stay in their hostel for their workers.
I took pics and made a poster and put on the bulletin board at church.  It was the buzz at church today.

We had a mess with our phone in the office on Mon.  TM(telephone Malaysia) cut off our phone service for non-payment.  We have not received a bill since arriving.  We've asked at the apartment offfice about mail, but they answer "yes" to anything and everything.  Kate paid it over the internet for us and had it reconnected.  We talked to our apartment manager about it and low and behold the workers here came up with a TM bill for Nov that's about 2 weeks overdue.  Mr Soh (manager) had them scared to death.  They discovered enough English words to say "You tell him I give to you!"  Kim, I hope Dad's license and , Kellie,  I hope my pics make it to us.  So far, we have neither, but maybe mail is just sloooooow!  The only mail we seem to get is our monthly letter from Bro. Zenger!  Oh, well, life goes on.
Tues. was a bust.  Our missionary meeting was so unproductive and haphazard.  We are all very concerned about a young elder in W. Malaysia who was hit by a car on Monday.  He is in an induced coma after a 7-hour surgery to repair his torn aorta.  Both of his arms are broken, one wrist broken, femur in one leg broken badly, and possible hemmoraging in his brain!  Our mission held a fast for him on Wednesday.  Please remember him in your prayers.
On Wed, we met missionaries downtown for lunch at Kenny Rogers Chicken.  We also skyped with Jenny and Andy.  Sooooo good to see ya'll.  Wed evening we went to branch correlation.  I included pics of Kate and Sisters at this meeting. 
On Thurs. we were invited to dinner downtown with Jennifer Liew and Francis(not members).  Jennifer speaks impecable English.  She is the director of Cheshire Homes here in the state of Sabah.  She is a workaholic.  Francis lives in Kuching(in south E. Malaysia).  He is the Deputy State Attorney -General.  He is a very knowledgeable lawyer here.  He has the most interesting story.  He grew up in a kampung here.  When he was very young he contacted some disease that left him crippled.  He moves with crutches very slowly.  Cheshire Homes took him in and helped educate him.  He dedicates a lot of his time and funds to helping the poor!  He and Jennifer are our humanitarian partners in KK and Kuching.
Friday and Saturday we were here in our apartment.  Sebastian has gone to the temple for a week and we don't like to use other taxis.  We were climbing the walls by Sat. afternoon and Kate to the rescue!   She called and asked if we wanted to ride wqith her to look at a resort that she's checking out for some clients.  It was a lovely place way out in Penampang.  We had scones, cheesecake, and apple pie on the veranda served with nice china.  Kate loves that and we love treating her because she takes such good care of us.  She also took us to a museum of headhunters, but it was closed.  They have actual heads that were collected by this famous village chief.  Dad was so disappointed that we didn't see them.  She's going to take us back one day.  After that we went to one of their famous beaches here.  I took a pic of Dad and Kate where you can see a bit of the sunset.  It's truly gorgeous.
Today was church as usual and I taught only one lesson(last of Isaiah-YEA).  I had all sisters in my class, except for Dad.  They're all so sweet and I got them to relax and start talking.  It was fun.  We were asked by the Area Presidency to take pics of certain groups at church today and send in for them to use in training sessions, hence the church pics today!  Enjoy--I do.
Tommorrow is another week and our second FHE, and I'm excited again.  I'm going to feed them chicken biscuits(our biscuits) and some fresh fruit.  We going to play church pictionary for fun.

We have a nice new taxi driver who took us to church today.  His name is Spaniss and he drove us from the airport on the first day we arrived here.  He remembers us!  He's nice and the cheapest so far.  He's taking us tommorrow to run errands and go to church.

Love all of you with all of my heart and if I could give each of you the best thoughts of my heart it would be to read Mosiah 4:14&15.  I am learning to love the scriptures as I never have.  It's actually pleasant to not have tv.  Even Dad doesn't miss it.  Although last night we watched a DVD--Sabrina, which I've seen so many times.  It was given to me by my new friend,  Mary Anne Teo. 
Kiss our grandbabies for us.      Love   Mom &Dad

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Friday and another car offer

On Friday, we had an appointment to teach the Ng family their 1st of 8 lessons with us.  Sebastian took us in his taxi and left us.  We had arranged for Sis. Dorcas to meet us there, as she is Sis. Susan Ng's good friend and work partner.  They have a little soup restaurant together.  They're good cooks and had a big meal for us, as usual. We have told everyone that they do not have to feed us every time we visit, but they don't listen.  They are so hospitable.  After dinner and our lesson, we mentioned about calling Sebastian to pick us up and Sis. Dorcas asked why we didn't buy a car.  Sis. Dorcas is quite a character and said that she will buy us a car.  We said "No" but she said that it is only 100rm down and 400rm a month, which we would pay, it would just be in her name.  That's @ $33 down and @ $125 a month for a brand new one!  Insurance is only 200rm a year(@$67).  She is going to the temple on Wed. in Phillipines and when she returns, I think that we're going to do it.  When we leave here, she can sell it or let a new couple make the payments and when it's paid for Sis. Dorcas will have another car.  She has 5 children and 1 grandchild in KL(Kuala Lumpur).  She is divorced and has been the support of her children.  Her son Jacob was baptized @ 3 weeks ago.  She has 2 young daughters at home--Ebony and Ivory! 

Before we left the Ng's home, Sis. Dorcas and Sis. Susan said that they wanted to feed us some of their special coconut rice on Sunday after church.  They had enough food to feed the whole branch!  Everyone came and ate.  It was the best rice I've ever eaten.

Week after next we have to start traveling some.  We're going to Tawau which is about 8 hours south and inland from us, but we're flying.  Kate is going to make our bookings.  We're meeting with 2 Rotary clubs and checking on a big water project that's almost finished and going to start another vision project while we're there.

Today at church I taught Gospel Doctrine and Relief Society, Dad taught the Temple Prep class, the last one before this group leaves for the temple on Wed.   Kim, if you were here, you could be the branch president!  There is never a lack of opportunity for service here.  We do love everyone so much.  They're losing some of their shyness(malu) around us now and talk quite openly to us.  They want to see pictures of ya'll.  I have to learn to print some off the computer.  By the way, how do I post a comment on the blog?

I'll send a couple of pics and sign off.                  Love, Mom and Dad
Picture is McDonald's in mall downtown,  We met lots of U.S. naval guys that day!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Time'a Flying

This was a busy week in some respects.  On Monday, we went with a Rotary Club from here(KK) to visit 3 schools where we gave glasses to needy students.  These are Catholic schools for the poor(I think).  It was a most enjoyable day.  We met lovely people from the Rotary.  In the pics the tall Indian man is a Dr. Abraham, who is the District Governor of E. Malaysia and Singapore.  He is an ENT specialist in Singapore.  There was a Dr. Akbar who is the optometrist who did all of the eye exams on the kids.  We rode with him to all of the schools.  We also rode with Fatima(in flowered top in pics).  She is a rotarian and businesswoman here in Malaysia.  She offered us the use of one of her cars while we're here in Malaysia--she owns 5!  She doesn't like taxis.  She took the role of ordering our lunch later when we went to an Indian restaurant in Penampang.(In honor of Dr. Abraham)  She ordered the favorite food of Malaysia--Fish head curry.  Oh yes, we ate fish head for lunch.  It was quite good.  I didn't like the mutton she ordered.
We were suppose to start our visits to Sis. Lennie and Bro. Musa who live in kampung Baru on Monday evening, but a torrential rain storm came and we could not even get in there with Sebastian in a taxi!

Wed. was another first for us also.  We have a branch missionary correlation every Wed. evening at church. We usually ride with Kate after she leaves work.  I baked a cake for everyone for snacks at church.  After the meeting, Kate went to some house where she picked up a bunch of food to have shipped to her brother who has just oopened up a restaurant in their hometown-Lubuan(an island).  We also had the sister missionaries with us and before she took them home, we went to Sis. Christine's house to offer our condolences because her mom died the day before.  Our first Malay funeral.  OH BOY!  Sis. Christine lives in a kammpung and the whole village was at her house.  She took us inside and in the middle of the room was her mom in a casket.  It was made of lovely wood with a glass on top.  All of her mother's personal belongings were placed around the casket in bags so that thet can be burned.  All of the pics in the room were turned backward to mourn.  Sis. Zafar(missionary) was so worried because she had on a red blouse which is bad for Chinese funerals.  After we left the funeral and took the sisters home, Dad and I rode with Kate to take the food for her brother  to a shipper.  We met his truck in a really scary part of town and delivered it to him.  Kate told us that he use to be a loan shark!

Thurs. we were able to visit Sis. Lennie and Bro. Musa and teach them.  Good meetings!  They're so humble.  Kate has arranged for 2 of Sis. Lennie's children to have their pallets repaired.  They're really bad.  A rotary club in KK has arranged for doctors here to do this in 2 weeks!

Fri. we met the Elders downtown to buy them a washing machine.  Theirs quit working and the mission office asked us to buy them a new one and just deduct the cost from our next month's rent.  No problem.  We decided to spend a little time downtown while we were there.  We ate at a nice place in the mall on the 4th floor called "Secret Recipe".  Mostly Europeans eating there.  So nice and delicious and guess what, no sign that said "do not spit".  Kate called us while we were there and we met her and visited while she ate lunch.  She helped us purchase some name tags for our first FHE on Mon with the young single adults at our apartment.  I'm excited. 

I've included some pics of our apartment and our visit to the schools.  Hope you enjoy.
Love Mom and Dad

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weeks Update

I am a terrible mother. We have a camera but I never can remember to take it anywhere. It is amazing that we have any proof of our existence. So, sorry for no pictures from Halloween or when Ging and Matt and kids were out here.  Thank goodness that Ging is a good mom.  However, it was the best time!  It was fun to have family to visit us and we hope that all of you will take a chance to come and out and stay a while.

Not too much has changed or developed since our last post.  Cole is done with soccer and we are now going to try and get him into basketball or swimming lessons.  I prefer the swimming since he does not yet really know how and we are surrounded by water. He still enjoys school, but I am sure not more than I love that he goes to school from 8-2. What a nice break!!

Izzy has been a whiny baby, severely attached to her passy and blankie.  It is probably due to the fact that she has almost 6 or 7 teeth coming in at the same time.  It is interesting to see and realize that kids are so different from each other.

Colby is still very busy at work, but still finds the time to surf at least 2 times a week.  He wishes it would be more, but maybe next semester when things are not so hectic.

As for me, I am pregnant and busy. I remember being pregnant with Cole and it seems that pregnancy was all consuming.  With this baby, I sometimes forget that I am even pregnant.  The other 2 keep me so busy that the only time I think about it is when I am so tired at night or I have to go to a dr's appt.  I have my next ultrasound on the 23rd of this month and we find out what we are having.  Colby wants a boy and I really don't care. Although, I kind of have a feeling it will be a boy.

We have no real plans for Thanksgiving, probably just going to eat dinner at some hotel with a buffet. I do not want to cook for just us and I really do not want all the leftovers.  What are everyone else's plans?

Love to all- The Weeks

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanks for Ben's pictures

Mom and I so enjoyed the pictures. Ben is growing so fast and is all boy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Ben

We just celebrated Baby Ben's third birthday. Time sure has flown by. It seems like just yesterday when I went to a regular OB appointment, and my doctor said, "Your blood pressure is still elevated. Let's have a baby today." Yippee skippee! Music to my ears.  I was so excited to meet the newest little member of the Asay family. I cried when I heard him cry at delivery. I missed the delivery of Jacob, seeing as I was unconscious and all. This was a much better, much sweeter and smoother experience. 

 Side note: Isn't Jacob just adorable in the above picture? Back to Ben. I am so glad that Ben chose me to be his mom. I have learned a lot with him in my life, not least of which is patience. He is a wonderful brother. He adores Jacob. He mimics everything Jacob does. He looks forward to 3:30pm every day for when his big brother gets home from school. He will literally stand at the front window, and run outside when Jacob's carpool drops him home.

 Sorry for all the pictures, but I am enjoying my stroll down memory lane. Here are some more cute pics of Ben through the years:

 Here are the latest pictures of Ben. He has thoroughly enjoyed raking leaves into a big pile, and then jumping full throttle into the pile. Gosh do I love and adore this wonderful little man!