Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Changes in NC

Well, here we are back in Concord and loving it.  Besides having our clothes and some toys, we have made a few tweaks to the house ( you all knew that was coming, but nothing too drastic).  We are enjoying the change in seasons.  Mia's school Fall Festival was a treat with games, face painting, sweets, and a tractor ride.  Larson's new obsession since moving back is tractors. Both he and Mia will race around pushing baby doll sized strollers; Mia's has a doll and Larson's carries a miniature John Deere tractor.   Baby Ford's first tooth is coming in and he is soooo close to crawling.  What a happy, beautiful, loving baby!  See the pics of the bright happy painted doors (Russell also built shelves in the garage).


  1. You did it Kim. You actually did your first post. Congratulations! PS: I want to see a picture of Larson pushing his tractor in a baby stroller!

  2. i LOVE the front door! Fordy is too cute. Mia is getting so big, and I want to see a picture of Larson with that white hair of his. Glad to hear y'all are doing well.

  3. I love Fordy's clothes!!!! The door looks great.
